Cooking Frozen Steak, Best Winter Squash and Shady Funding of Nutrition Science

Welcome back to my weekly review in which I share three interesting things I have learned this week.

Do you thaw your frozen steak? You don’t have to!

I am sure you have been in this situation…You are craving a wonderful, thick Ribeye, but all the steak you have is frozen. This sucks, because you are craving it NOW…well, I have been in this situation many times. In the past, I would just accept that I wouldn’t be having steak for dinner, since there is no time to thaw. But I just learned that you can cook frozen steak and have it turn out amazing! I haven’t tried it yet, but this article by Emily Johnson describes some tips on how it’s done!


The best winter squash!

A couple days ago, I posted on Instagram about my favorite winter squash, Red Kuri! A bunch of people commented with recommendations of their own go-to squash varieties, so I have a lot to try now. One that really caught my interest was Delicata. Ever heard of it? It was a new one for me, but after looking up some pictures I recognize it. Supposedly, it’s similar to Red Kuri in that you can eat the skin. However, it does have a shorter storage life than other winter squash varieties, usually about three months. No refrigeration needed, but keep it in a cool, dry place. Here is a recipe that I want to try soon.


The Sugar Industry did fund Harvard Scientists!

Five decades ago, the Sugar Research Foundation (the Sugar Association today) funded Scientists that were looking at the effects of sugar and fat on Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The scientist worked at Harvard, and they did indeed end up downplaying the effects of sugar in a literary review (which draws from many different studies). It’s sad to hear that industry interest has shaped a lot of what is believed to be true about nutrition today. What is worse is that this kind of shady industry funding has been happening in nutrition science for a long time and it is not just limited to the sugar industry. Read the full NPR story here!


Best Way to Freeze Meat, the Forgotten Poached Egg, and a Simple Broccoli Recipe


Red Meat vs Poultry Consumption, Farm Subsidies and Nutrient-Rich Foods